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We show you the 7 most common mistakes of creative design to recognize how might be a "good" creative not only "good" but also effective.
Our creative simulator helps you to improve the creative design to be easily read and noticeable. Test your billboard/citylight creative on a surface from different distances, then check its readability and impact.
Using our creative simulator you can check how the creative will affect on the surface and the environment, so any failures can be corrected prior to placements.
What is Outdoor Advertising?
Outdoor or Out-of-Home Advertising refers to any advertising that appears outside the home and includes: billboards, citylights,public transport advertising, large format media, subway media, mobile units.
Why is Outdoor effective?
Three (3) of the major benefits of Outdoor are:
Reach. Outdoor ads have the ability to reach large pockets of consumers, whether in the total market or in a desired “Trading Zone” that circles your business.
Frequency. Outdoor ads are bought in month long increments (4 week cycles) so there are many multiple opportunities for consumers to connect with and act on your message.
Presence. Outdoor ads are present 24/7 – that means your message can be in front of a prospect on THE day that is relevant to him/her. There is no “hit or miss” in outdoor, just a constant reminder of your business or service
How do I select an outdoor program that would work for my business?
Our account specialists, marketing, research and creative staff can walk you through the entire process. We listen to your needs and your objectives and can tailor a program unique and specific to your goals.
How much does a billboard cost?
It's hard to say a price without exact preferencies just as in case of buying a house. There are several factors which are affect the costs: size, locations, visibility, rental period, quantity or in some case a unique creative. Knowing these preferencies we serve you a unique proposal.
The more billboard I buy, the better campaign will I have?
Quantity is important at the planning, but basically the success of the campaign is not determined by this factor but rather the selection and compositon of well-targeted, highest quality surfaces. Unfortunately the proportion of low-quality surfaces (bad location, hidden, hardly detectable, far away from road, etc.) is relatively high in Hungary, so it is recommended to pay attention to what and from whom to buy.
Where do you have billboards?
We are in partnership with all relevant media owners in the outdoor market thus we plan our campaigns based on the complete market supply. We does not own any advertising spaces so we can be independent and always provide the best solution to our clients.
Can you help us in the creative process too?
Of course! The campaign's effectiveness highly depends on the well-created graphic design, so we believe that we can help you in the creative process too.
How much does the production cost?
As the rental fee of surfaces, production cost also can move between a large scale. It depends on the material (paper, vinyl, banner) and the quantity.
Why is it worth for me to use Mediafield Outdoor's services instead of a billboard company?
We offer full service, within we provide the best market value available of your outdoor budget. Read more >>
How much should I budget for Mediafield Outdoor's service?
We work with budgets of all sizes and the ad prices vary greatly depending on location, number of units and length of program. Many of our large local and regional advertisers started as a single billboard client and have grown from there. We provide the same service and tools to a local advertiser as we do to a large national account.
Our glossary helps you understand the common terms in outdoor advertising.
Affinity: It tells how under- or over-represented our target group is among the people reached by the campaign: Reach% (target group) / Reach% (total population).
Allotment: The number of units required to achieve a desired GRP level in a market.
Approach: The distance measured along the line of travel from the point where an advertising face first becomes fully visible to the point where the copy is no longer readable.
Awareness: The recalled recognition of an Out of Home advertising message by an individual or audience.
Billboard: Large format advertising displays intended for viewing from extended distances. The standardized format commonly measuring 504 x 238 cm in overall size.
Bleed: Printed material that extends beyond the edge of a panel frame.
Budget: The money available for the campaign.
Cancellation Period: A specified period of time when a contract can be terminated.
Charting a Program: The process of selecting individual locations to achieve a particular Out of Home advertising objective(s).
Citylight: An OOH surface for reaching mostly public transport and pedestrians. The most citylight is a part of street furnitures (bus shelter, mahir column, etc) but it can be found also indoor places (malls, subway, etc). Standard size: 118,5 x 175 cm.
Copy Area: The viewing area on an Out of Home face.
CPM - Cost Per Thousand: The cost of delivering 1,000 impressions from individuals who notice the advertising on displays in a market.
CPP - Cost per Point: The cost of achieving 1 percent of the target group.
Digital OOH Media: Any OOH display that can change its advertising content using digital technology.
Display Period: The interval of time when an OOH advertising campaign is run.
Distribution: The strategic placement of outdoor units across a market. The distribution of units will impact the reach of the campaign and the demographic profile of the audience that is delivered.
Face: The surface area on an Out of Home unit where advertising copy is displayed. A unit may have more than one face.
Facing: The cardinal direction that an Out of Home unit faces. As an example, a north facing billboard would be viewed by vehicles traveling south.
Frequency: The average number of times an individual notices an OOH advertising message during a defined period of time.
Gross Impression (GI): All contacts in the target group. It shows how many times in total all members of our target group (those who were reached, i.e. ReachN) saw the posters of the campaign.
Gross Rating Point (GRP): The rate of contacts belonging to the target group compared to the whole of the target group: GI / target group numerosity.
Layout: Scaled-down version of the creative which is used for a guidance at the posting.
List of surfaces: A listing of all surfaces included in a specific Out of Home program that shows the most important specifications of the surface.
Market Ride: The physical inspection of the faces that comprise an Out of Home program in a market.
Mobile Billboard: A truck that is equipped with one or more poster panel faces. The trucks can either be parked at specified venues or driven around designated localities.
Opportunity to See (OTS): It tells how many times on average all the people we reached (ReachN) saw our advertisement: GI / ReachN
Out of Home (OOH): All advertising signage found outside the home.
Override: The continuation of an Out of Home advertising program beyond a contracted period. An override, if offered by an Out of Home company, is provided at no additional cost to an advertiser.
Permanent Face: A surface that remains permanently located at a specified site throughout the term of a contract, usually for long periods. A permanent surface program can build strong brand recognition in specific market areas.
Posting Period: The period when an Out of Home campaign is scheduled to post.
Proof of Performance: Photo proof by an Out of Home company that contracted advertising services have been accomplished
ReachN: Number of people reached in the target group who notice an advertising message at least once during an OOH campaign.
Reservation: After sending the list of surfaces we do not offer them to any third parties by the given deadline.
Roll-up: An Out of Home unit with a face that allows more different copy messages to roll at intermittent intervals. The unit is backlit like a backlight.
Spotted Map: A map indicating all locations included in a specific Out of Home program. Also referred to as a location map.
Target Group: The group of people defined by marketing objectives who want to be achieved during the campaign.
Trivision: An Out of Home unit with a slatted face that allows three different copy messages to revolve at intermittent intervals.
Vinyl: Special foil for OOH ad placement.
Wallscape: Murals painted or attached directly onto the exterior surface of a building.
Professional Organizations
Hungarian Advertising Association
Advertising Self Regulatory Board
Companies that make outdoor research
Outdoor Media Audit
Professional press
Kreatív Online
Marketing és Média Online